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4 questions to ask when buying a washing machine

27 juillet 2015

Ask yourself these questions when buying a new washer to find something that fits your needs and budget.

4 questions to ask when buying a washing machine

1. Top or Front-loading?

  • In a top-loader, the washtub spins on a vertical axis and laundry is loaded from the top.
  • In a front-loading washing machine, the washtub rotates on a horizontal axis and laundry is loaded from the front of the machine.
  • Top-loaders are easier than front-loaders for most people to use, and they can be opened mid-cycle to add additional laundry.
  • Top-loaders also tend to hold bigger loads of clothes and wash them faster.
  • While top-loading washing machines are the biggest-selling models, front-loading models are generally more energy efficient.
  • Front-loaders use less water, especially hot water, than top-loaders and less detergent.
  • Front-loaders also are easier for people in wheelchairs to load, and they're built to handle unbalanced loads better.

2. What's should every washer have?

As you're shopping, look for these basic features:

  • Convenient controls that are legible, easy to operate and logically arranged.
  • Variable water levels that let you adjust for small or large loads.
  • Rustproof washtub. Stainless steel or plastic perform better than porcelain.
  • Easy installation and service access, including self-levelling legs and minimal space requirements for water and drain hoses.

3. Should I get the extra features?

  • Buying a washing machine is almost like buying a car: there are many makes and models, and you tend to get what you pay for.
  • Many high-end models contain features you may never use.
  • If you do laundry every day, a heavy-duty model with large capacity and three basic cycles may make more sense than a machine with lots of extra bells and whistles.

4. Do I really need a new one?

Although new models come out every year, the basic design of washers and dryers hasn't changed that much. So the washer you've had for 10 years could probably keep pace with its newer cousins for another decade with proper care and maintenance. If you're looking for a new washer or dryer, assess your family's laundry needs before you buy. You don't want to purchase more appliances than you really need.

Washers and dryers last for years, so it pays to buy wisely when shopping for new machines, and to keep the machines you currently own in top working condition. But when it's time to get a new one, make sure your armed with the right information to get the best machine, and the best deal.

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