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InTune Holistics


Start to Heal with an Energy Alignment Session

Your thoughts, emotions and physical health are inextricably connected! Your SOUL may be asking you to EVOLVE and TRANSFORM and pain may be the only way to get your attention now.
Find out WHAT the specific emotional, mental stress or trauma is at the ROOT of your illness and how to take the next steps to heal.

The healthiest people ARE Self-Aware and work holistically! Be one step ahead and save hundreds of dollars in health costs – start your Energy Alignment Sessions today.
Intune Holistics Stephanie Lafazanos BSc Kinesiology, Certified Medical Intuitive, Holistic Practitioner Programs for Women's Health and Sexuality Jade Egg, Tao Tantra Qigong
Intune Holistics Stephanie Lafazanos BSc Kinesiology, Certified Medical Intuitive, Holistic Practitioner Locations in Shuswap Okanagan,Chase, Blind Bay, Salmon Arm, Enderby, Vernon, Lake Country, Kelowna, BC
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“Stephanie Lafazanos performed a medical intuitive assessment for me, and she was able to pick up on some important health concerns which were later confirmed by a visit with a Naturopathic physician.  I was surprised at her accuracy.  She definitely struck me as someone who is in integrity, and she was concerned enough to take the time to get a clear reading and message.   She identified what could have been a potentially serious condition, had it not been identified early.  Moreover, she has a warm energy about her and I felt instantly comfortable and connected to her. I highly recommend Stephanie as she has an amazing gift in connecting with her intuition.  I am very grateful to her.”              Mira Karia

Having received Thai massage from some of the best practitioners around the globe, I have been most impressed with Stephanie’s treatments and by the fact that she has continued to get even better over the years. In my experience, a Thai massage with Stephanie is both an extremely effective treatment for what may ail my tense and athletic body, but it is also a meditative experience that is of equal, if not greater value. I feel confident in Stephanie’s skills and in her ability to assess how far she can push me. I have no hesitation in recommending Stephanie except that this may make it more difficult to get in to see her!”  Cynthia JohnstonCounseling and Consulting Services

“Stephanie is a dedicated practitioner of her craft. She works hard to bring her clients the best integration of the therapies and modalities that she has trained in. I gained immensely from her tender care combined with her focused precision. I admire her dedication and her enthusiasm for her work, and feel she gives a tremendous amount of positive affirmation for her client’s health. Her abundance of energy is a clear sign of the ardent training that is part of her life. I learnt more about my body-mind working with Stephanie; and I truly felt held by her heart, as she worked deeply to aid in my personal process. If you are looking for a person who is devoted to practical, positive, and personal healing, I would easily suggest you spend a few sessions with Stephanie.”  James Baye – Integral Life Coach

“Dear Stephanie, I want to express my gratitude for the wonderful healing session.
Since the energetic healing, I’ve seen an explosion of great things come into my life. A wonderful relationship has come into my life, and I have never, ever connected with someone like this before! It’s a deep, fulfilling, comfortable, nurturing union – physically, emotionally and spiritually.  I can’t even begin to tell you how happy I am…I’ve made some breakthroughs in my sexuality too.  I’m working through the mind-body disconnect, with lots of support – again, I never thought that this would happen so soon!”   
Angela Lee